Beauty and the Birds

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Anhinga is a word from the language of the Amazonian Indians. The Anhinga is a bird native to North and South America. There is also an Eastern Hemisphere species of Anhinga. The Anhinga has a characteristic not seen with other water birds such as ducks and geese. Its feathers are not water proofed. After each venture into the water the Anhinga must "sit out" for a spell with wings spread to allow drying by the wind and sun. It is a diving bird and spears fish with its long bill. It will then toss the fish into the air until repositioned for a head first meal. I caught this Anhinga on film while driving along a road on Merritt Island NWR near Titusville Florida. Another name for the Anhinga is "Snake Bird" as when it is swimming it often will have only its long neck extended above water looking somewhat snake like. This particular Anhinga is a male in breeding plummage. Posted by Picasa


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